Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Wonder Project - Our Second Test Launch

 Hi Bloggers,

This week we were launching our rockets again. Our rocket had three fins, a nose cone, some designs and our team name. I will tell you what we had done in our session for this week. 

As soon the morning tea bell went we sat down in room 9. Room 6, 8 and 9 were doing this together. This project is meant to be for the year 4, 5 and 6's. We went to room 9 because the hall had juniors in it. We went inside and we talked about Newtons third law of motion. Which is reaction, we watched a video and then some of us blew balloons. We blew them up to know which ones can go higher or lower. 

After this we went to Keith Hay Park which was a minute walk from our school. Room 8 and 9 started at the same time as us. In our class we had six groups. My friend Aarna and her group went first, their groups one had gone low at first and then on their second chance it went further. 

My group went second and our rocket only had two fins left. But then on our second on we had no more fins. For our first test launch we had 350ml of water and 60psi. For our second test launch we put 200ml of water and 40psi.  Our rocket went pretty high on the second launch. Once all the groups had finished then we went back to our school. 

I think that our bottle was really heavy when we were doing our first launch. But our second one went quite high. 

Here are some pictures. 

Have an awesome day. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Wonder Project: Session 2 of Aerodynamics!

 HI Bloggers,

We had our 5th session but really it was the second session of aerodynamics. Today we were testing our rockets. By testing I mean Colm showed how to make sure our rockets are stable. Once we were back in our classes we went through the steps and then started. For step 1 we found out what the centre of mass is. We did this by getting a long piece of string and we did a loop around the bottle. Then we made a knot, one person would hold the string and the other person would try to put the piece of string in the middle. When you do that then your bottle will have to balance. If it does balance then just make a line which is for the centre of mass or COP. We sellotaped the string on the bottle and then moved on. Once we did step one we moved onto step two: Finding the centre of pressure. We got cardboard and made a stencil of our bottle. We then cut it out and used a ruler to find the centre of pressure. The ruler was straight and then we put the cardboard stencil over it. We tried to balance the stencil on the ruler. Once it was balanced we drew a small line there. We also put a line on the bottle at the exact same place as the one on the stencil. Step 3 was easy because it was only a stability test. You hold the string and try to make the bottle move in a circle. If it does then it is stable. If it doesn't then it is not stable. You will have to make changes if it is not stable. 

Well now I can show you the pictures: