Thursday, May 21, 2020

Flying 2

Flying 2
Hello bloggers, Today I am writing something from If you want to go on it then i have put a link on it. Here is my writing.

He never missed catching a predator from his sharp and pointy claws. He swooped down to the ground
because he had found a predator that he can eat. He loves eating the predators that he spots while flying
high in the sky. Eagles mostly eat things like the food they find on the ground, they also eat worms, and
more which I don't really know. 

The other bird was also flying with Nellie and trying to find some food that they could eat. Nellie is a little
bit like partners with the other bird. Birds really like flying high in the sky, but sometimes they do get hurt.
Birds love flying, but then they get tired and they do need a little rest just like how humans take rest just
like that. 

Birds fly and humans don't. But you can always be a little like a bird. Though you are human you can be
a bird by going in a plane. Planes are also like birds but they are runned by engines. Birds fly with their
wings and planes fly with engines and all the things that a plane could use to fly. Humans can be humans
all the time but if they want to be a bird then you will have to go in a plane. But I don't mean that you
should go in a plane, what I mean is you go in a plane when you have booked a flight. Anyone can be
a bird and a human.

I think that the photograph was taken in one of the beautiful islands like the Fiji Islands, Cook Islands,
Samoa Islands, Tonga Islands, and all the other Islands that I didn't name. I don't really know any place
other than the ones that are in my listing. 

The End.

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