Saturday, August 22, 2020


Hi Everyone,
Hows your day? Hows your lock down? I found these pictures on my dads computer of me and my family and I put them on a Google Drawing. I wanted to share them with you. They also have pictures of my cousins. If you don´t know where I am, then I am the baby. These photos are from a few months away from when i was born. I was probably 5 months old in the first one and in the second i was probably 6 months old.

Here they are:

Thanks for looking at my blog post. Have a good day.


  1. Hi Neha,
    Your pictures are amazing! I love the baby photos. Did you make them on google drawing?

    1. HI Mahrosh,
      Thanks, I was not even 1 years old i was 5-6 months old. Yes I made them on google drawing. Have an awesome 2020.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I looked at your photos and Oh My Gosh you look sooooooo cute!
    I liked the way how you put the date on but maybe you could make it a bit bigger I cant see it clearly.
    - Faisa

    1. HI Faisa,
      Yes I know I was a baby. Probably 5 to 6 months old. The date was already on. Some of the dates were wrong because that was when I was not born. Just click on the picture then you will see it.
