Monday, January 11, 2021

How to make a catapult!

 HI Bloggers,

Today I learnt how to make a catapult. If you are thinking that I made a big catapult then that's wrong because, I made a small one. I learnt it from Nanogirl. It was easy to get all the things you needed. It wasn't actually hard. Its really easy and I know that anyone can make it if they look at this video. I think my next steps are to make something harder. I'd like to know how people make a big catapult. I might use paper to make a tube type cylinder for it next time. Here is my video: Good luck

If you can't get to the video I will write how you can make it. 

What you'll need:
Cardboard tube, A little bit of blue tack, A wooden spoon with a long end, A string a little longer than to spoon, A scrunched piece of paper and a sharpie to make some drawings on the cardboard tube (Optional). 

First get your cardboard tube and your wooden spoon. Put your wooden spoon on top of the cardboard tube. With the string put at the bottom of the tube and bring up into a knot and do that again by flipping it over and doing two knots. Make sure it kind of looks like a cross. The wooden spoon should be sticking out a lot and the end should only have a little bit sticking out. Get your blue tack and put in on the inside of the tube. You can now make some drawings on it but that's your choice. Load your catapult with the scrunched up paper. Put one hand on the blue tack as hard as you can. With your index finger on your other hand you push down on the end of the spoon. There you have made a catapult. 

I hope you had fun making this. Thanks for looking at my blog. Have a good day!


  1. Kia ora Neha,

    Fiona here from the SLJ team. Great work making a catapult out of a wooden spoon and cardboard tube! It sounds like you have had a lot of fun being creative and designing a catapult out of materials from home.

    Unfortunately I can't view your video by copying and pasting the link.
    For help with how to embed a video onto your blog try this helpful video

    I hope to see your video soon.

    Keep up the fantastic mahi over the summer!

    Mā te wā,

    Fiona (SLJ).

    1. HI Fiona,

      Thanks for commenting on my blog. I appreciate it.

      Oh that's bad but I looked at your video and it actually helped me. It should work now.

      My video should be there now.

  2. Kia ora Neha,

    Thank you, I can see your video now. And what a fantastic video it is! Watching your video was really helpful and now I understand better how to make one of these cool catapults on my own. I wonder how far I can get my object to fly across the room!

    Have you had a chance to try any other Nanogirl activities for the Summer Learning Journey? I think you would really enjoy them! This week the activity was to build an anti gravity glass - so cool! I hope to see more of your cool blogs soon.

    Mā te wā,

    Fiona (SLJ).

    1. Hi Fiona,

      Your welcome Fiona. Haha It was hard because I had to find a quiet place. Oh My one goes quite far not that far though.

      Oh yes, Yes I have. I made a Xylophone using her video. I really do enjoy them especially the catapult. Anti gravity glass sounds cool. Yes I am just about to post The Treasure code.

      Have a good day!
